WATER – A Combining Element

Erasmus+ Programme 2018–2020

Created with Sketch.

Project Idea

The topic of water is probably one of the strongest connecting elements between people.

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No Final International Project Meeting

Unfortunately, the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic cancelled our last international project meeting, which was due to take place in Westerstede (Germany) from 3 to 9 May 2020.

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Increasing our students’ ability of critical thinking in dealing with our natural resource water is the project’s major goal. Therefore, our students are going to explore our European heritage in connection with water. Moreover, all activities planned should lead to a greater understanding of systemic connections. Thus, we shall deal with five different fields of study.

A smartphone app and this website will provide the results of the project to students and teachers on a long-term basis.

Art and History (Module 1)

This module examines how the perception of water has changed from an artistic point of view in the different European regions over time and what the differences there are today.

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Tourism and Sport (Module 2)

This module focuses on the recreational function of water.

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Environment and Climate Change (Module 3)

Changes due to predicted climate change and possible mitigation and adaptation measures in the participating regions are the focus of this module,

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Water Management (Module 4)

This module analyses the vital procurement of drinking water, water as an economic factor as well as measures of protection against water.

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Ports (Module 5)

“Ports” are places where people have always met to trade goods or exchange ideas, and are thus central to the development of entire regions even though their role and significance may have changed over time.

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International Project Meetings

There will be five international project meetings at which the project results are going to be compiled, discussed and edited with five students and two teachers from each partner school present.

April 2019
I. E. S. El Palmeral
Vera, Italy

Module 3:
Environment and Climate Change

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May 2019
Liceo Ginnasio G. B. Vico
Napoli, Italy

Module 1:
Art and History

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November 2019
13o Γυμνάσιο Ηρακλείου
Ηράκλειο, Greece

Module 2:
Tourism and Sport

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February 2020
Merenojan koulu
Kalajoki, Finland

Module 5:

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May 2020
Europaschule Gymnasium Westerstede
Westerstede, Germany

Module 4:
Water Management

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