Liceo G. B. Vico
Liceo G. B. Vico has about 1,300 students (aged 14 to 19) and 100 teachers and it offers three different kinds of study courses: Classical (Humanities), Scientific and Foreign Language High schools. Our school has introduced some specialized courses: five classes of classical studies attend some lessons of different subjects in English to get International General Certificate of Secondary Education. Many foreign languages extra classes are available, to get certifications in English, French, Spanish, German and Portuguese. The school is very well resourced with modern ITC equipment. Since 2015/16 the school has had ‘Work-Related Learning’ classes for students from 15 to 18 years old, to introduce the young into the world of work, to develop some particular skills, and to orient to different careers.
In particular, our school is very interested in the main topic of the Erasmus project that is the way we use our natural resource water. In fact some classes already worked at this theme for interdisciplinary projects: in 2016/2017 classes 3L and 4L (aged 15-17) studied the organization of Naples aqueduct, for the ‘Work-Related Learning’ project, called ‘Acqua Campania’ and they produced a video presenting the roleplay of a meeting of the staff firm. Besides, this school year the class 1G (aged 14) is developing an interdisciplinary module on ‘Water’ studying: hydroelectric energy, ecological commitment, water in poetry … Joining this Erasmus project the school could ask the cooperation of Naples aqueduct, but also of the Town Hall, partner of the school as regards ‘Work-Related Learning’ projects on city tour guiding, to explore the artistic and cultural patrimony on the theme of water in our city.